
Abstract submission is now closed!

Abstract Submission

Abstract must be submitted until February 28th (23:59 CEST).

Abstracts can be submitted as:

  • Oral Communication
  • Poster

Submitted abstracts will be reviewed by members of the Scientific Committee and selection will be based on their recommendations.

Accepted abstracts will be confirmed by email on March 15th.

Only confirmed presentations by registered authors will be included in the final program. Please note that the registration fees cannot be waived for authors.

Withdrawal of abstracts can only be accepted if notified by email until 8 days after notification on acceptance and after confirmation by the PCO Secretariat.

The Event language is English.

After the submission, the authors authorize that the abstracts can be used and made available.

Use  this template  to write your abstract on Word, following the rules: 

Title: In capital Letters – Times new roman – 14 point

Abstract: Introduction; Method; Results; Conclusions.

Abstract text must be in Calibri font, 12-point, single spacing and justified text. Abstract text must not exceed 300 words. No tables or figures should be included. Abbreviations should be kept to a minimum. Place abbreviations in parentheses after the full term for the first time it appears. Linguistic accuracy is the responsibility of the authors. Drug products mentioned in the abstract should be identified by their non-proprietary names only. Do not capitalise non-proprietary names.

Literature References: Optional (list one or two maximum, according to Vancouver style). Must be included in 300-word limit.

Despite adding the template, the abstract must be submitted online, though the form below. For that you must be previously logged in.

For all enquiries regarding abstracts and speakers, please contact the PCO Secretariat at eafpconference25@organideia.com

Important tips:

Before you start make sure you have the next information:
  • Presentation Title.
  • All authors (in the correct order) – full first names (no initials) and last names.
  • Identify presenting author.
  • Affiliations (all authors in the correct order) – include affiliation name, city and country only, not the full address.
  • Email Address (presenting author).

Proof your abstract:

  • Check the spelling of everyone’s name and if affiliations are shown according to the template.
  • Make edits before starting the process.

Abstract submission is now closed.